Gods Hand Paths

Food For Thought 44 d^_^b 2023

There Are Two Paths In God's Hands

The Left Hand Path = Technology = Expanding The Mind Into The Digital Realm And Robot Soldier (Ghost In The Shell)

The Right Hand Path = Biology = Human Development Via Virus (Black Death) Or Alchemy The Search For Immortality

Understanding The Price For Immortality = To Be Honest I Wouldn't Wish Such A Curse On My Worst Enemy - I Will Explain Below - I Would Recommed Longevity Via Gene Development For The Common Folk

Immortality = Transcends Super Soldier - Will Lead To Losing One's Humanity In The Long Term.

Why Would You Say That?

Not Many Minds Can Live Through The Cycles Of Human Civilization's On A Repeat - Think 50 000 Years Would Be In The Eyes Of A Immortal Would Be A Baby

That's Why I Would Recommend A Limit At Super Soldiers

Though I Would Still Recommend A Immortal To Be Created


Think Of It As a Back Up Storage Of Humanities Plans But This Being Will Be More Weaponized Than A Super Soldier = The Asset Must Be Able To Protect It Self = When Society Collapses = People Revert To Their Animal States And We Don't Want That Trillion Dollar Asset To Go To Waste.

Why A Biology Asset?

Tech Is Not Flexiable To Changes - Thinking That Far In The TimeLine

A Biology Asset Has The Ability To Change And Adapt And Can Mantain And Protect The Tech Asset For THe Long Run, So You Can Have Both

The Biology Asset Will Be The Person Whose Willing To Run The 4.5 Billion-Year March On Repeat, Thus A Strong Mind That Can Keep Their Humanity Through That Run And Help Human's Through There Development Over And Over Again Without Destorying Human's Or Losing Faith In Their Ability To Develope To Space Travel And Planet Development And Repeat It Again And Again On A Cosmic Level

Thus The Biology Asset Will Be The Ultimate Human Weapon To Protect Itself And Other Super Human's Or Human's Through The 4.5 Billion-Year March - Thus The Myth Of The Vampire, Thus This Being Must Have A Fair Mind And A Strong One To Keep Their Humanity Through The 4.5 Billion-Year March On Repeat